Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Viva Seville!

Just come back from a (too short) trip to Seville to see my dear friend Pablo. He's started a club night there called FANI. No, it's not a strip club, nor is it a dyke-only joint. FANI is a nickname for anyone called Stefania, but you don't have to be called Stefania to get in. But the DJ is called Fani, and she's a lesbian. Gosh, this is getting confusing. Anyway, I went to host the night, and brought along my pom-pom makers and lots of yarn. Pom Pom International was a big success! Here are some photos

The chubby girl with the pom pom in her hair (no, not me, the other one, with the green top) is called Madidi, and she makes the coolest dolls in the world. You can send her a photo of anyone, and she'll make a doll out of felt and yarn to look just like them! She also makes lookey-likey badges out of felt, and lovely clothing too. Pablo and his fellow Fani promoter Luis got me a me doll. Check out Madidi!
I also met a couple of lovely guys who make retro-pop bags decorated with images of old Spanish tv/film stars. But what I like most is that they are called La Mujer Barbuda, or The Bearded Lady. These cheeky chappies travel round Spain and get people to wear a fake beard, and then take photos of them and put them in their online gallery. Look here and envy those with fun fur facial hair!

I didn't see much of Seville by daylight, I must admit. But we did venture out for lunchtime tapas- tiny shrimp the size and consistency of a pinky fingernail, spinach with chickpeas, more shrimp with a fried egg on top. Yum!


Erssie said...
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