Monday, January 22, 2007

I'm addicted

to knitting. I can't stop. I finished another scarf today. Mind you I did have a busy day- it wasn't like I was just sat on the sofa all afternoon or anything. But I start and I just can't stop! UGHHHHH where's the knitting methadone!!!!

I'm meant to be hosting a series of live chat show events for Manchester's ueer Up North festival in May, and had a meeting scheduled for 10am this morning at my favourite cafe which also serves as my office on the move- Maison Bertaux. in Greek St. I had a cheese croissant and a coffee, and waited 45 mins, but Jonathan from QUN didn't turn up. NOT a nice way to start the week. So anyway I went to the Principal Register office in High Holborn and filed for divorce.

Did the radio show this afternoon- Danny seemed preoccupied-he opens in the Rocky Horror Show tonight, playing the narrator all week. I'm going to see it on Wednesday- booked the producer's seats! I've a week of theatre lined up- tomorrow it's The History Boys, and Thursday the SB and I are going to a Taittinger reception at the Old Vic followed by a performance of the all- male Taming of the Shrew. Somehow I don't think this version will hold our attention *quite* as closely as the all-female version we saw a few years ago at the Globe.

I think I am turning orange. I bought a HUGE bag of carrots for 1 pound 8 pence last week and we've been eating carrot soup, carrot cake, carrot casserole, carrot goulash, carrot crudites...the SB came down with a funny tummy today and she's convinced it's from over-consumption of carrots. I'm not so sure. We may be ill and a bit orange, but we can see REALLY well.


DDKK said...

We need photos! (of the knitting, not the carrots...)

Erssie said...

Oh do be careful. I once went orange on my nose and ears from juicing carrots and it can make you a little unwell!

Where is this knitting thing? We wanna see evidence of your new finished objets d'arts.

Here I am wandering around the blogs again. I always do this when I have a load of desk work to do!I don't have knitting work to do but am doing some techy pattern checking but it is a quirky book - Knitted Icons, we have a mini Madonna with her pointy boobs and a Dolly Parton is on her way.