Sunday, January 22, 2006

Special Report: Duckie Retreat

Just back from a 4 day Duckie retreat in the Pyrenees- a sort of 10th Birthday treat to ourselves. Simon Strange, the Readers Wifes and I were there- Jay and Father Cloth opted out for reasons not yet fully explained, but let's gloss over that.
Was fascinating to watch utterly urban people (me included!) cope with things like open fires, collecting tinder, coping with no shops/bars/restaurants/clubs/taxis. Must say I was v v impressed with Chelsea Kelsey's "hunter/gatherer" instinct. Climbing up rocky cliffs just to get some dry twigs! Great! Kim Phaggs made a fabulous ratatouille and goats cheese lasagne, and Simon managed to enjoy the entire experience while listening to both mine and Chelsea's iPods at the same time- at all times. Check out Chelsea's blog-

Thursday, January 05, 2006

A Year Older....

so as of yesterday I'm that much closer to kicking the bucket. It was a miserable day here in London- slate grey sky, the misty kind of rain that soaks you through, freezing cold and blustery to boot. First day back at work for everyone, too, and 3 days into New Years resolutions...all in all probably THE WORST day of the whole year to have a birthday. Thank goodness for the strawberry blonde! A bouquet of long stemmed red roses, two books on wine, posh pizza for lunch at Olivetto, a bottle of champagne at home, then a fabulously opulent dinner at Bentley's- Banyuls aperitif, fish soup, smoked haddock, gorgeous cheese, and chocolate and chestnut bombe for dessert.

Monday, January 02, 2006

I'm back.......

Yeah, ok, it's been ages. Over 3 months in fact, and what the hell have i been doing? Blograstinating, obviously, but also went on a 2 week cruise of the Greek islands, did a fablulous wine tasting tour of Burgundy (for the strawberry blonde's 30th birthday), hosted a charity fundraising walk in NYC for Stonewall, visited my family in New Jersey, and escaped to the Pyrenees (again).
Workwise, I am so so happy to be back on air with Danny Baker on BBC London 94.9- now in the afternoon, 3-5, been working on my new one woman show which now has a title- "Amy Lamé's Mama Cass Family Singers"- and collaborating with the Soho Theatre here in London to put it on stage. Been asked to go back on Celebrity Fit Club (NO NOT AS A CONTESTANT AGAIN!) but as a panellist dispensing encouragement and advice to the chubbily challenged - watch out on Jan 10th- the first episode for this series. Plus Duckie celebrated its 10th birthday, and we had a fabulous shindig at the De La Warr Pavillion. We'll be having a London-based 10th birthday party in the spring- if you want to see what else we have in store for 2006 check out It's gonna be a bumper year!
Must say I am SO pleased that 2006 is here. Last year was full of starts, stops, chops and changes- not necessarily a bad thing, but I found it hard to get a sense of momentum going. It's my birthday tomorrow, so I get all this "Oh another year has passed" nostalgia crap over and done with in one fell swoop. Onwards and upwards, chaps and chapesses!