Saturday, January 13, 2007

So i've passed my Life in the UK test- a multipe choice test required of all foreign nationals who qualify for UK citizenship (or should that be subjectship???) and want to apply to stay forever and aver amen. I was required to have indepth knowledge of the Prime Minister's name in Latin, television license requirements, how schoolchildren are given pocket money, and the population of Wales. After 14 years here, I discovered very useful nuggets of information like the Commonwealth is the second largest international organization in the world, second only to the UN, and that the two main features of the civil service are professionalism and neutrality (!!!). I now feel fully prepared to take on the rights and responsibilities of a UK citizen...things like applying for interest free credit at Habitat and being waved through immigration at all UK airports.
When I tested my British born and bred friends with questions from the official study book, their success rate was apalling. And they're a pretty clever bunch. I'm all for potential citizens being forced to engage in the native culture, language, etc but when the natives themselves have very loose grasp on basic information about their own government, history and culture, it makes a mockery of the whole thing.
Incidentally, I toolk my test at a LearnDirect centre. Have you seen those ads on ITV, advertising this organisation? I always thought it was vaguely associated with LoansDirect and OceanFInance and Yes! Car Insurance. You know what I mean.
Well, when I turned up to register for my test, I had to hand over 34 quid IN CASH to a LearnDirect official, who then put the money in his trouser pocket. When I asked for a receipt, he said "You want a WHAAAAT????" I said, "I'd like a receipt please, for my 34 quid in cash." His response was "well, no one EVER asks for a receipt." " Well, I am , and I'd like one." So he makes a big flouncing gesture towards a pile of badly photocopied receipt slips and writes one out, S-L-O-W-L-Y. He hands it over, looking at me like I'm mad. A large, camp LearnDirect manager sniffing olbas oil pops his head round to see what's up and frowns.
I can't WAIT for my citizenship induction ceremony at Westminster town hall!!!!

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