Tuesday, August 08, 2006


it's working now in my sub-let flat. a lovely chap with a mullet- style ponytail came round from telewest today and fixed the problem. apparently i hadn't plugged the cable in at the wall. DUH! I've been complaining for a WEEK that the interet access was broken- but did i bother to check it was plugged in? NOOOOOO.Spent hours on the phone to tech support, did all sorts of tests.....succumbed to logging on in f'ing starf*&cks
the SHAME.
Anyway, the show went really well last night- had about 60 in, and a really lovely preview write-up in the Scotsman. Have a look-see here!


Went to see my first show last night- Sue Perkins- 1 hour of stand up- she was energetic and charming and funny! Best when she's observational, and a great riff on which top-level queers should be put on pink pound notes- you can just imagine Elton John and George Michael having a catfight over the 50 quid! On the way home got accosted by a group of 20-odd teenagers from Preston doing a student production of Godspell. Today has consisted of 2 tuna sandwiches and finishing reading Naomi Alderman's novel "Disobedience", about the orthodox jewish community in Hendon and what happens when you think and act outside the "box". It's got wigs, gefilte fish, lesbian sex, a dead rabbi and intercontinental air travel. What more do you want???
Off to a special evening with Ian Rankin tonight at Harvey Nicks- been invited by my party-loving journo friend who has also promised me an outing to "Fingers Piano Bar". Can't wait!!!

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