Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Solving the Crisis in the Middle East

I didn't leave the flat all day yesterday until it was time to go to the theatre (basically 4:45pm) Did a phone interview with the Jewish Chronicle. Last week the JC journalist had been arguing with my press officer that I really am Jewish. Ummmm.....I may have a big mouth, an American accent and a penchant for bagels, but I am not Jewish. Not that I would mind if I were- my mom & dad sent me to a Jewish pre-school so I learnt how to sing the dreidel song and made star of david ornaments out of popsicle sticks and glitter. So I could blend right in. Mind you, everybody from the New York metropolitan area is a little bit Jewish. It just's like, in the air. Anyway, even though I made it clear I am actually quite a Christian, they still wanted to interview me. Wow! Now if that open-minded diplomacy could be applied to what's going on between Israel and Lebanon, we might just have a peace process on our hands.

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