Monday, August 28, 2006

Legal Tender

it's been a few days since my last posting, but as it is the end of the festival it's all gone a bit crazy. Well, actually, thursday and friday nights were relatively quiet- stayed in and read Philip Roth's 'American Pastoral' a novel about the complete breakdown of a picture perfect family and the implosion of the American Dream, set against the backdrop of race riots and the Vietnam War- the deterioration of the American pastoral into the American "beserk", as Roth calls it.

Saturday night went to Monster Mash for dinner after my show- with Mark (Chelsea Kelsey) and a big posse of his friends, plus Alan, and a big posse of his friends. Wound up in a bar with possbibly THE rudest staff- Fingers Piano Bar, then on to Planet Out for a loungey recovery drink, and to the IF.Commeddies- basically a complicated name for the new Perrier Awards. Tried to meet Demetri Martin but he was surrounded by blonde babes so thought it best NOT to go up to him and try to engeage him in a conversation about New Jersey.

Best thing thant happened all night?

Alan found some money in the street.
First, a Five pound note.


Pedants might think..."well, all very good you eagle eyed young man, but you can't spend HALF a 100 pound note!"
yes, you can.... (well, Alan can)

As long as you have at least half of a torn banknote, with the serial number, watermark, etc. you can take it into any bank, fill out a form and the note will be replaced.

How cool is that?
I didn't even know 100 pound notes existed! Apparently, just in Scotland. Quirky - crazy Scotland, always doing things just that *little* bit different to surprise you when you least expect it!

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