Monday, August 07, 2006

In the BURGH

Right. I'm here. I have already drunk my weight and volume in white wine, seen some REALLY bad street jugglers and have found it impossible to find any decent food whatsoever. Hooray! It's the Edinburgh Festival! I've been here a week already- A WEEK- the time goes so quickly- I'm staying in a great part of the Old Town, near Grassmarket, in a flat that is all mine for the month of August. I't REALLY beige- I had to hide the most disgusting coffee table book, too. It's full of photos of Celine Dion and babies popping out of flowers and plants. Whoever thought that up MUST have been on acid. Anyway, the show is going well, despite a real technical metldown on the 3rd preview night when the films stuck about a dozen times and then i forgot my line. We had nearly a full house, and afterwards drinking in the park i nearly stabbed myself with a twig (on purpose) just to release the pain in my heart (no I am NOT a self harmer but I really understand where that feeling can come from!) Anyway, last night did a blinding show - if i must say so meself- and I feel refreshed and revived and ready to take on the world! (OK, well a small corner of scotland at least!) i have bouquets upon bouquets of flowers in my flat and feel fabulous....amazing what a few gerberas can do to a gal. Hosted the launch of the entire Fringe last night- introducing acts on stage etc. It's incredible how many people still come up to me and say how much they loved the BBC London Breakfast Show. Oh I am lamenting its passing as well. Though it IS fun staying up past 10pm these days! OK, more to come i promise but t'internet isn't working in the flat and I am writing this from an evil coffee empire outpost and my online time is about to expire and i'll turn into a piece of pumpkin pie if i don't sign off now.,.....oh...........ugh........yum.........x x

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