Saturday, August 12, 2006

listless latest

Friends Alan and Simon through from Glasgow and Simon Strange up from London- busy busy. Went to see Ron Mueck's exhibition here in Edinburgh- easy emotional latch-on art. It's popular- and it makes sense that it is. Humans are infinitely interested in themselves. Saw Scott Capurro do a fine gig- he is SO wicked and cutting and clever with it. Tonight want to Taylor Mac- a sweetly sensitive nouveau drague artiste who plays the ukelele and sings forlorn tales of lost loves and lost luggage. We MUST have him on at Duckie. Haven't had a drop of alcohol today, after over-doing it last night and feeling really rough all day. Had to do a radio interview with Gaydar Radio this afternoon and bought myself a self-pity ice cream cone which really freaked me out and made me feel iller. Show tonight was great- even though i scared a 10-year old so much i made her cry and she had to leave the theatre. Guess tales of kidnapping told to children isn't a good idea, eh?!!!

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