Sunday, August 07, 2005

Back from La Belle France

OK, I know you missed me (ahhhhh!) Three weeks in the remote Pyrenees and I am super-chilled. I actually got culture shock when I came back to off the coach from Stanstead at Victoria Station and a zillion people speaking English were swarming everywhere. I had been chatting to the same 5 people and 3 dogs- in French- for so long I forgot metropolitan life was so intense.

Anyway, was promptly invited to play rounders in Kennington Park, which is a sort of gay version of baseball. It's the first time I played rounders- yes, there are still some secrets to British culture that have remained beyond my grasp- until now. Still can't work out how the scoring works, and I have no idea who won. Not that it matters- "It's all about taking part" as they say. But I was still praying I wasn't the last one picked!

Went to see Black Narcissus at the NFT on Friday. If you haven't seen it, do so ASAP! It's got everything- repressed religious types, slutty natives, donkeys, wobbly special effects and one really mad glamour-bitch nun from hell. Do you ever go to the cinema and find you are the only one laughing at a particular line? There were a few of those in Black Narcissus, including this from the pupil Prince, who unfurls a silk scarf sprayed with Black Narcissus, a fragrance specially brought back to his native India from the Army & Navy department store in London- much to the dismay of the nun teaching him.....

"Sister, don't you think it so very common for us to smell of ourselves?"

1 comment:

redhairedqueer said...

Toby and I went to see Black Narcissus on Saturday, it is fabulous!

Being the crazy funsters we are, we decided to recreate the poster image of Sister Ruth when we got back home ...