Monday, January 02, 2006

I'm back.......

Yeah, ok, it's been ages. Over 3 months in fact, and what the hell have i been doing? Blograstinating, obviously, but also went on a 2 week cruise of the Greek islands, did a fablulous wine tasting tour of Burgundy (for the strawberry blonde's 30th birthday), hosted a charity fundraising walk in NYC for Stonewall, visited my family in New Jersey, and escaped to the Pyrenees (again).
Workwise, I am so so happy to be back on air with Danny Baker on BBC London 94.9- now in the afternoon, 3-5, been working on my new one woman show which now has a title- "Amy Lamé's Mama Cass Family Singers"- and collaborating with the Soho Theatre here in London to put it on stage. Been asked to go back on Celebrity Fit Club (NO NOT AS A CONTESTANT AGAIN!) but as a panellist dispensing encouragement and advice to the chubbily challenged - watch out on Jan 10th- the first episode for this series. Plus Duckie celebrated its 10th birthday, and we had a fabulous shindig at the De La Warr Pavillion. We'll be having a London-based 10th birthday party in the spring- if you want to see what else we have in store for 2006 check out It's gonna be a bumper year!
Must say I am SO pleased that 2006 is here. Last year was full of starts, stops, chops and changes- not necessarily a bad thing, but I found it hard to get a sense of momentum going. It's my birthday tomorrow, so I get all this "Oh another year has passed" nostalgia crap over and done with in one fell swoop. Onwards and upwards, chaps and chapesses!

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